jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009


I needed an eternal dream
that I could make real
because in this world
I couldn´t stop thinking about you

I wanted to have you so much
And to surround you with my arms
I wanted to caress you so much
And to kiss you with my lips

I couldn`t stop thinking about you
In the eternal luck
of having yourself here

I wanted to love you so much forever
I wanted to listen so much your voice
I needed every moment to your side
because I couldn´t stop thinking about you

And it`s that this eternal dream
was so valued to me...

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Muchas gracias por seguirnos!!!

A mi tambien me encanta la bella durmiente y la pintura prerrafaelista.


Un abrazo!!

~NiKi~ dijo...

He leido en el blog de merkades que te gustaban las lolitas!!! wiii!! Yo te voy a seguir! *O*